Should I brand myself or my company?

It depends.

In today's competitive business landscape, branding is crucial in shaping a company or individual's identity and credibility. A common conundrum faced by entrepreneurs and professionals is whether to focus on building a personal brand or a business brand. The right choice largely depends on the nature of the work, professional goals, and audience reach.

As the name suggests, a personal brand revolves around an individual's expertise and contributions to the industry.

This approach is ideal for professionals looking to establish themselves as thought leaders, speakers, or “one-person industries,” according to Pamela Wilson. It requires consistent efforts to build and maintain a solid reputation in a specific area, eventually leading to recognition and trust in the market.

On the other hand, a business brand focuses on promoting the company's products or services. It attracts customers and partners by showcasing the organization's values, culture, and unique selling propositions. Building a business brand entails creating a cohesive image and message that resonates with the target audience and sets the company apart from the competition.

Understanding Branding

Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a business or an individual. It involves developing a distinct image, message, and values associated with a company or person. With a strong brand, customers and clients can easily recognize and identify with a company or individual, increasing trust and loyalty.

Personal Brand vs. Company Brand

Personal Brand

A personal brand is an image and reputation associated with an individual, such as an entrepreneur, artist, or professional speaker. This type of branding leverages a person's unique strengths, skills, talents, and goals to differentiate themselves in the market. A solid personal brand can:

      • Attract new, interested prospects
      • Build credibility and trust
      • Enhance the individual's perceived value in the market

However, it's important to note that with a personal brand, the company name does not state what you do, so associating your personal name with your offerings is necessary.

Company Brand

A company brand is an identity associated with a specific business.

It encompasses the visuals (e.g., logos, colors), messaging, and values that differentiate the company from its competitors. It is essential for businesses of all sizes, as it helps in:

      • Establishing a unique market position
      • Creating brand recognition and awareness
      • Building customer loyalty and trust
      • Facilitating growth and expansion

It's crucial for both established companies and new businesses to invest in branding to build a strong foundation for success.

In summary, deciding whether to focus on a personal or company brand depends on your specific goals and the nature of your business.

A personal brand may suit entrepreneurs with unique skills or talents. On the other hand, if you're running a business with multiple employees or products, a company brand might be more beneficial in positioning your enterprise in the market.

Should I brand myself or my company - strategy

Determining Your Strategy

Evaluate Goals

Evaluating your goals is essential when deciding whether to focus on branding yourself or your company.

Reflect on the services you offer and the customers you wish to target. Additionally, consider the owner's role in the business and how their expertise can contribute to the company's success.

For some individuals, personal branding may be the right choice. This can be particularly beneficial for those who are the face of their business or possess a unique skill set that sets them apart from competitors. Personal branding allows the owner to showcase their expertise, build trust with their customers, and advance their career by becoming an authority in their field (Indeed).

In contrast, if your focus is on the growth of your company and its long-term sustainability, a business branding strategy may be more appropriate. Business branding focuses on the company, and the customer's relationship development is with the company rather than the individual owner. This can often lead to greater success as the company brand becomes synonymous with its services.

When evaluating your goals, take into account:

      • The type of services offered
      • The target customer demographic
      • The business owner's role and expertise
      • The long-term vision for growth and success

By assessing these factors, you can decide on the best branding strategy for your situation.

Example branding style guide - How to brand a new company

Incorporating Brand Elements

Values and Vision

Establishing a clear set of values and a vision is critical when embarking on a brand journey, whether for personal branding or a company brand.

These elements guide the overall direction and messaging behind the brand. Individuals or companies can create a consistent experience that resonates with their target audience by defining the values. For instance, highlighting one's skills, passion, and strengths can build a solid personal brand, while a company's focus on product quality and customer relationships can establish an appealing company brand.

Researching competitors and identifying a unique positioning within the market can help develop a relevant and practical vision. When creating a brand, the target audience's preferences and expectations should be considered to create a message that resonates with them.

Taglines and Personality

A tagline is an impactful way to communicate the brand's essence, whether for personal branding or a company brand.

It should be concise, memorable, and convey the brand's values and personality. A catchy tagline can help establish an emotional connection with the target audience, setting the brand apart from competitors and making it more memorable.

Developing a brand personality is crucial in distinguishing the brand from others while connecting with the target audience on a deeper level. The personality may differ depending on the type of brand being built. For example, a coach might adopt an approachable, supportive voice, while a company selling high-quality products may adopt a sophisticated, knowledgeable tone.

Personal Branding Tips:

      • Create a professional website to showcase your skills, experiences, and portfolio
      • Engage with others on social media, thoughtfully sharing insights and opinions
      • Attend networking events and connect with key partners in your industry
      • Regularly publish content that demonstrates your expertise and passion

Company Branding Tips:

      • Ensure a consistent visual identity across all marketing channels, including logos, colors, and fonts
      • Build strong relationships with customers and partners, focusing on delivering value and maintaining a positive reputation.
      • Develop marketing campaigns that communicate the brand's benefits and unique selling points.
      • Consistently analyze performance and adapt strategies to stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant in the marketplace.

By considering these suggestions and incorporating relevant brand elements, individuals and companies can create a strong and lasting brand presence, distinguishing themselves from competitors while connecting meaningfully with their target audience.

Leveraging Social Media

Leveraging social media platforms can significantly influence your decision to brand yourself or your company. This section will discuss strategies for optimizing your profiles and content.

Optimizing Profiles

Optimizing your social media profiles is important to communicate your brand message effectively. The process varies depending on the platform. Here are some suggestions for optimizing profiles on popular platforms:

      • LinkedIn: Customize your profile photo, headline, and background image to reflect your brand's professional image. Fill out the summary section, experience, education, and other relevant fields. Add any relevant certifications and skills to showcase your expertise. Your LinkedIn profile should also include endorsements and recommendations from colleagues or clients to assert credibility.
      • YouTube: Design an eye-catching channel banner and profile picture that aligns with your brand identity. Write a concise “About” section that explains what your channel offers and invites viewers to subscribe. Organize your video content into playlists for improved navigation.
      • Other platforms: Consistently use brand colors, imagery, and messaging across all social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Content Strategy

Developing a content strategy will help you maximize the benefit of using social media for branding. Here are some key factors to consider:

    1. Target audience: Determine the demographic groups you wish to reach. This will influence your content type and your platforms (Entrepreneur). For example, LinkedIn may be ideal if your target audience is professionals in a specific industry.
    2. Frequency: Plan a posting schedule that balances consistency with relevancy to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.
    3. Content types: Diversify your content types to cater to different target audiences and platforms. For example, produce blog articles, videos, infographics, and images that align with your brand.
    4. Engagement: Encourage interaction with your target audience by asking questions, responding to comments, and joining relevant online conversations. According to Forbes, Active engagement helps build rapport with current and future audiences, ultimately boosting sales and improving your overall brand image.

In conclusion, whether you choose to brand yourself or your company, leveraging social media effectively by optimizing profiles and developing a solid content strategy can significantly enhance your online presence and grow your audience.

Networking to build your brand

Building Your Network

Establishing Relationships

Building a solid network is crucial for personal and business success.

One way to start networking is by establishing relationships with your peers, partners, and others in the industry.

Begin by reaching out to people who share similar interests and goals as you do. This can be done through social media platforms, industry events, or online discussion forums. By connecting with those already in your field, you can gain valuable insights and advice and potentially collaborate on future projects.

Another essential aspect of networking is nurturing and maintaining your established relationships.

Stay in touch with your contacts, provide helpful resources when possible, and show genuine interest in their endeavors. Building trust and mutual support within your network will benefit you in the long run and create a positive environment for collaboration and growth.

Collaborating with others can also help solidify your relationships. Working together on projects, sharing knowledge and resources, and promoting each other's businesses are ways to establish strong partnerships. This collaboration allows you to leverage your combined strengths and expand your network further.

Building a solid business network will create valuable connections that can lead to new opportunities, increased visibility, and personal or business brand growth. Remember to focus on establishing and nurturing relationships while considering the importance of collaboration and mutual support.

Evaluate your talents and assets

Evaluating Your Assets

Identifying Strengths and Talents

When deciding whether to focus on personal or business branding, evaluating your assets, strengths, and talents is essential. This evaluation helps you align your brand effectively with your career development goals, individual skillset, and the nature of your business operations.

Personal branding might be a more appropriate choice for writers, content creators, or consultants. Emphasizing your unique talents can enhance your portfolio and increase your visibility in the industry. Some key points to consider when identifying your strengths and talents include:

      • Areas of expertise
      • Unique skills or abilities
      • Past achievements and successes

Focusing on business branding can provide long-term advantages for corporations, especially startups. A business brand establishes a distinct identity for your company, differentiating it from competitors and attracting a specific target audience. Key factors in evaluating corporate strengths and assets include:

      • Goods or services offered
      • Industry recognition or achievements
      • Existing customer base and market presence

Evaluating your assets involves thorough introspection and benchmarking your progress against industry peers. Company CEOs and startup founders should consider factors such as product superiority, market share, and potential scalability of the business model to make an informed decision between personal and business branding.

By evaluating your strengths and assets and understanding the target audience, you can strategically decide whether personal or business branding is the best action. A well-thought-out brand approach will enhance your reputation, increase visibility, and contribute to your professional growth.

Competitive Analysis

Assessing Your Market

Research Competitors

When assessing your market, it's essential to start by researching your competitors.

This can involve reviewing their websites and social media channels and checking customer reviews. Analyze their branding strategies, target audience, and unique selling propositions. Keep track of their strengths and weaknesses, and note how they differentiate themselves within the market. By understanding your competitive arena, you can better position your brand or company.

Potential Buyers

Next, evaluate your potential buyers. You can do this by considering the following factors:

      • Demographics: Gather information on the age, gender, income, education level, and occupation of your target audience.
      • Psychographics: Identify the values, interests, lifestyles, and motivations influencing your potential buyers' purchasing decisions.
      • Geographical location: Determine if your target audience is primarily within a specific region, country, or city.
      • Behavioral patterns: Analyze your potential buyers' buying habits, preferences, and brand loyalty.

Gathering this information about potential buyers can help you devise a more compelling and tailored branding strategy. It can also reduce the risk of targeting the wrong audience and help you better understand the market you are entering.

There's no definitive answer to whether you should brand yourself or your company, as each situation is unique.

By properly assessing your market, researching competitors, and understanding potential buyers' needs and preferences, you will be better equipped to decide on the best branding strategy for your situation. Maintaining a confident, neutral, and clear tone of voice throughout your branding process is essential to communicate your message to your target audience effectively. Branding is an ongoing process, and careful monitoring and adjustment will be necessary to ensure continued success.

Developing Credibility

Showcasing Authority and Expertise

Developing credibility is a crucial aspect of building a personal or company brand.

One way to enhance credibility is by showcasing authority and expertise in an individual's field. This can be done by highlighting the person's bio and achievements on various platforms. For instance, mentioning their professional experience, credentials, and accomplishments on a resume or LinkedIn profile can significantly affect how their audience perceives them.

In addition to expertise, the individual should showcase their core values, which can help establish a clear identity and distinguish them from competitors. This process promotes transparency in their actions and beliefs, fostering trust with their audience. Some examples of core values might include integrity, curiosity, creativity, and a commitment to excellence.

Another effective method to develop credibility is consistently demonstrating high performance in the individual's line of work. This can be achieved by delivering successful projects, earning accolades and certifications, or receiving positive customer testimonials. Such a track record can reinforce the individual's authority and make them more appealing to potential clients and partners.

Infographic - How To Build Trust With Customers In Your Email List

Building credibility also involves being an active participant in relevant industry conversations. Individuals should engage with their audience, contribute valuable insights, and demonstrate a willingness to learn and evolve in their field. This might include participating in online forums, sharing thoughts on social media, or attending conferences and networking events.

Developing credibility is vital in forming a successful personal or company brand. Showcasing authority and expertise, aligning with core values, demonstrating high performance, and engaging in relevant industry conversations can significantly enhance an individual or company's credibility. By focusing on these areas, brands can create a solid foundation for growth and success.

Weighing the pros and cons of personal branding versus company branding.

Weighing Pros and Cons

Should I brand myself or my company? When deciding whether to brand yourself or your company, weighing the pros and cons of each approach is essential. This process helps you better understand the risks and benefits of personal and business branding strategies.

Personal Branding


      • Establishes your identity: Personal branding allows you to leverage your expertise and reputation in your industry, showing you as a trustworthy figure.
      • Direct connection: A solid personal brand promotes direct engagement with customers or clients, as they can more easily relate to a person.
      • Flexibility: Personal brands can adapt to business opportunities or pivot industries without rebranding.


      • Risk of confusion: A personal brand may not convey your business offerings, potentially leading to customer confusion.
      • Limits growth: Focusing on your brand may hinder your company's scalability since your presence will always be required.

Business Branding


      • Clear purpose: A business brand can explicitly state its goals, products, or services, reducing ambiguity for clients.
      • Scalability: Business branding allows companies to grow and expand without the founder's direct involvement.
      • Sustainability: A business brand survives beyond its founder or employees, ensuring long-term continuity.


      • Impersonal: Business brands may be perceived as less approachable or relatable than personal brands.
      • Rebrand challenges: Changing a business brand can be time-consuming and costly while potentially losing existing customers.

By analyzing the pros and cons of personal and business branding, you can decide which approach best suits your goals and the benefits you wish to derive from your branding efforts. Remember that each brand will come with unique challenges and advantages, and adopting a mix of both strategies may work well in specific scenarios.

Good luck!