Videos are a great alternative to text content as they lower your bounce rate and are far more likely to go viral than words on a page. Webinars are a good option as they are relatively easy to create, attract customers and business partners and showcase your expertise for the world to see. Here are some tried and proven tips on how to create a winning webinar that people will want to tell their friends and colleagues about.

Know What You're Offering

An effective webinar is one that provides your audience with information they need or want to know and then gets to the point. Don't ramble; people will get bored and click on something else.

Remember that there are plenty of competitors who would be only too happy to have your clients' business. Your potential clients know this as well so you need to give them a good reason to want to do business with you. As one webinar expert accurately noted, you need to have an offer that people can't resist and then you need to motivate people to take advantage of this offer right away. That is why many businesses come up with limited time special offers or free bonuses that are only available for a short period of time.

Create a Buzz Before the Webinar

Advertise your webinar well in advance. Create special hashtags for the webinar and use them on Twitter. Promote your webinar on your social media channels, blog and even in your brick and mortar business outlet. The more you promote the webinar, the more traffic you are likely to get.

At the same time, one of the most important things to do if you want to create a winning webinar is to listen to what your prospective audience has to say. Ask your target audience for their input, suggestions and comments before finalizing your webinar content. Doing so ensures that the topics you cover are relevant and appealing to potential customers.

Don't Make it All About You

You may be the person organizing the webinar and creating the content to be used for the event. However, no one person should hoard all the attention to him or herself. Your audience will soon get tired of watching you talk even if you are engaging and have interesting talking points.

Ask others in your industry for short video clips you can use for your webinar. Having customers give short, positive testimonials about your business is effective, as it shows your viewers that they can trust you. A couple experts backing up your talking points can also help generate trust and a desire to work with you. Alternatively, you could consider asking a few employees to handle certain portions of the event. For instance, one person could explain your products and services, another could answer audience questions about what you are offering while a different person wraps up the webinar with a stirring call to action.

Pay Attention to Technical Details to Create a Winning Webinar

It's vital to make sure that your webinar equipment and programs are working well. Check the devices you are using to record the webinar to make sure that they pick up sound properly.

If you are sharing a screen with others who are not in the room, test your device a few days in advance of the webinar to make sure that there are no problems. Your audience needs to see the right speaker at the right time.

Lighting is yet another important factor to pay attention to. A “test run” before the webinar will help you see if the lighting in the room is right for the event.

Promote Your Webinar

There is also work to be done after recording the webinar. Put it up on YouTube, embed it in your blog and promote it on social media. Ask your clients what they think about it and listen to their honest opinions. Ask your listeners to share suggested topics and questions you can cover in future webinars.

Analyze your webinar stats to see how effective your video is. Don't just look at how many views you have; check your website stats to see how many referrals the video is generating to your site and what people are doing as a result of seeing your video. Is the video generating sales? If so, what are people buying? Where are most of your visitors coming from?

If you need help to create a winning webinar and/or promote and analyze the results of your webinar, Brandgy can provide the professionals services you need at a reasonable cost. The company specializes in content marketing as well as other internet marketing services and offers insight that can increase your chances of creating winning webinars not only now but also in the future. Get in touch with us to find out how we can offer assistance tailored to your exact needs.